Empirical variables

美 [ɪmˈpɪrɪkl ˈvɛriəbəlz]英 [ɪmˈpɪrɪkl ˈveərɪəblz]
  • 网络经验变量
Empirical variablesEmpirical variables
  1. Merton 's " middle-range theory " and some empirical variables , coming from sociological basic concepts and corresponding with Chinese context .


  2. Then on the basis of summarizing predecessors ' theory , hammering out the empirical variables which can be used in later .


  3. The article selected the GDP of Vietnam and the volume of trade between China and Vietnam as the two empirical timely series variables , then we reached the most preferable empirical model .


  4. A comparative empirical study on predicting variables for short-term and long-term corporate financial distress prediction


  5. The Quantitative Estimate of Underpricing of IPO in China and the Empirical Research of Relative Variables


  6. And through the establishment of the VAR model , the influence of real estate prices in the empirical analysis of economic variables .


  7. This paper uses cointegration analysis , Granger causality test and VAR model of the impulse response analysis model as empirical study of these variables .


  8. By making empirical study on six variables , this paper draws conclusions which modify the adaptability of innovation features model to CRBT . 3 .


  9. This section lists the results of empirical research , and variables as well as the impact of the degree of cross-listing information for stock prices affect .
